For the start-up or new product, entrepreneurs or companies need to patience in growth
“Growth is the breath of a company’s success. Growth brings new hope, extends companies’ life cycle, helps to innovate the business model. But sometimes or for someones, it is the main threat to companies success even in existence. For every start-up, patience in growth is very important sometimes mandatory. It brings sustain growth, protect futures, improving functional features & build brand equity”. [more]
Learning, Innovation & Business - The Triangle of Business Growth
“To succeed in business, you have to focus on growth. How growth comes? Growth comes from continuous innovations. How innovation comes? Innovation comes from continuous learning. What types of learning you have to learn? Definitely your business-related. In business, if we want continuous growth we need to focus on its learning and innovation sites. If continuous learning and innovation are ensured then the business’s base will be stronger. When learning, innovations, and business run concomitantly, growth will be continued. Every organization needs these three objects in their culture and It’s should be balanced.” [more]