Day by day the word “patience” in business is getting more impatient. Today’s thousands of start-ups are failing, huge money & inspirations are compromising. Now in 2020, it’s a great problem. The most critical matter is they(failed start-ups) are not doing anything wrong but they are failing, even highly experienced entrepreneurs are also. From 2017 to 2019, I have observed & talked to more than 20 entrepreneurs who started a new business or launched new products. As per their words, they didn’t do anything wrong in their start-up but they are failed. On the other hand, successful entrepreneurs almost did the same thing but they are won. It was very confusing, “why most of them have failed and the others win”.
Then I further observed another 10 entrepreneurs and able to talk 8 of them. From 10 only 1 enterprise has succeeded and the others were completely failed. I asked him (a successful entrepreneur), “especially what you have done behind this success?” He said…“We didn’t do anything special. But, before we launch our first product, we have done several tests on my products, then we sort the whole thing and have tested again in different ways. We found huge anomalies in our strategy & executions and then successfully we corrected all. Then we have launched our first product in a small quantity just 1000 pieces. Then we tested again on it. Few anomalies found and we solved those. Then we shipped our product in large quantities and got satisfactory responses in just 2 weeks. From there we tested several times to find the problem & trying to fix it”.
Now I found a clue but the one case was not enough. Then I talked to another successful entrepreneur about his success. He also said the same answer but in different ways, he said… “when we launched our product we were not crazy, we just got feedback from the market then stepped ahead. Now finally we can say we did this”.
Then I talked to another 3 entrepreneurs who were failed at their star-up. They said many things but one common thing they noticed that was “the product/service has a huge opportunity; we launched our product after huge market analysis, first few months we got huge returns then we invested more but we were failed because of changing market demands and competitor’s aggressiveness. We lost huge instead of continuous gain”. I got my answer. They were very impatient in growth; they didn’t do enough market tests after product launching. When returns came they thought it was growing and invested a large amount.
Here successful entrepreneurs were enough patience in growth but the failed were very aggressive. After analyzing the whole cases, 4 important points can be summarized for being a success in business, especially for start-ups.
- Need to focus more on testing than analysis: Market analysis is very common for any business either its start-up or existing. The market analysis brings unfold opportunities, future aspects, investment decisions, etc. in virtually but direct testing identifies faults and its solution, new opportunities, sources investors, etc. practically. So, entrepreneurs can take any decision confidently with confirming the success.
- Testing should be continuous: Testing on market and customer should be a continuous process. Every test brings new opportunities and identifies faults that will very helpful for your next decision.
- Invest less in first even there are huge opportunities: Before several testing, don’t invest your whole pocket. Testing will validate your next investment and also fix your investment amount.
- Don’t be crazy: Craziness is highly appreciable when you have a stable market to play. But for a start-up, it’s very dangerous. If you do everything on an error-trial basis definitely you will get continuous growth even it is minimum. Be patient and keep testing, your growth will come and will be continuous.
Patience in growth should be your first concern when you start a new business or launch a new product. Keep calm and think about how to sustain in the market without losing. Don’t pick the super-car, just walk and see around, your growth will be sustained. Remember, patience in growth is the only way to keep your business successful.